Building a Curriculum Package

Step 1 – Get Organized

The most successful curriculum packages are always highly organized and clearly explained. Taking the time to organize a curriculum package in the beginning will save time in the approval process.

  • Start writing your Summary of Request (SOR). The SOR is a required component of all curriculum packages that are submitted in Curriculog. The SOR contains a complete and clear summary of all the curriculum actions that are taking place in the package, and should include links to all proposal forms. Access instructions and a sample SOR.
  • Determine which forms are needed by reviewing the 2021-2022 Curriculum and Program Actions Quick Reference Guide.
  • Consult with your GCC Liaison.
  • Review Curriculog FAQs and Resources.
  • Do you have any questions about the curriculum changes you are making? Email for email assistance and/or to schedule a meeting.


Step 2 – Complete Curriculog Forms

After organizing your curriculum package and determining which forms need to be completed, log into Curriculog with your Pirate ID and Passphrase. Next, click on the “New Proposal” button to access the list of Curriculog forms. Locate the forms you need to complete and click on the checkmark icon on the selected form to begin. Reminders as you complete Curriculog forms:

  • Each form has instructional text at the beginning of the form, hyperlinked resources throughout, and additional instructional text below most fields explaining what is required.
  • Refer to the Best Practices for Faculty Planners Checklist for guidance on completing the most common Curriculog forms and the 10 Most Common Curriculog Errors.
  • When completing any revision form for an existing course or program, first be sure to import from the ECU catalog, then complete all required fields marked with an asterisk, next launch your proposal by clicking the “Validate the Launch” button then edit your form, and lastly approve your form.
  • Approve all forms in your Curriculum package at the same time to ensure the forms move through the approval workflow as a complete package.


Step 3 – Determine Approval Workflow

  • Each form in Curriculog lists the approval workflow the form must complete. This workflow is set after forms are launched. To view the approval workflow, open your form and click the “Workflow Status” button on the right-hand side of the screen. This button is labeled with an icon that looks like a bulleted list.
  • The general workflow for most forms include the following approval steps: department, college curriculum committee, college dean, curriculum support, pre-agenda catalog review, and GCC. Additional steps are added based on the responses provided in the form.
  • At ECU curriculum changes require different levels of approval based on the particular action being taken. There are Level I, Level II, and Level III changes.
    • Level I: Requires GCC approval.
    • Level II: Requires Chancellor approval.
    • Level III: Requires UNC System Office and/or Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (​SACSCOC) approval or notification.


Step 4 – GCC Review

Once your form reaches the GCC step in Curriculog, it is eligible to be placed on a GCC meeting agenda. At least one week prior to the GCC meeting where your curriculum package is scheduled, you will receive an email with the meeting information. After the GCC meeting, faculty have 5 business days to make any revisions requested by the committee. The chair of the committee will ensure the edits are made and approve the proposal after the committee has approved the meeting minutes.


Step 5 – Additional Reviews

If your curriculum package contains only Level I actions, the GCC is the last approval needed. As mentioned in Step 3, if your package contains Level II or III actions, additional approvals are required before the changes can be implemented. Additional approval bodies that may review your proposal include the Graduate Council, Educational Policies and Planning Committee (EPPC), Faculty Senate, Academic Council, Chancellor, UNC System Office and/or SACSCOC.