Frequently Asked Questions
Graduate Catalog
What is the Graduate Catalog?
The Graduate Catalog is the online document that provides most of the policies for graduate education at ECU. All graduate students are responsible for consulting the Graduate Catalog for assistance with any academic transaction including withdrawals, grade appeals, dismissal appeals, transfer credits and other academic policies. The year you begin your graduate program is the catalog year you will use to determine your program requirements. If you do not enroll in a semester, your catalog year may be moved to your semester of readmission and degree requirements could change. You can find your catalog year on your Degree Works audit.
If I have a question about a policy in the Graduate Catalog, who can I ask?
Your Graduate Program Director should be your first source of information. You may also contact an Associate Dean in the Graduate School by emailing for questions about the Graduate Catalog.
Admissions & General Program Questions
How can I find out more about a graduate program?
Go to the Find Your Program page. Use the filters to narrow down lists of graduate degrees and programs offered that you may be interested in. Each listing is a link to more information about that program.
You can also request more information about a program by providing your contact information.
What is the typical duration of the graduate programs?
The duration of each program can vary based on several factors. Typically, each program should be completed between 1-2 years for masters-seeking students and 3-6 for doctoral candidates. The duration of the program is subject to change pending the student’s academic status.
What standardized tests do I need for Graduate School?
The Graduate School does not require a standardized test. Each degree or certificate program determines if a standardized test is required. Many programs require either the General Entrance Exam (GRE) or the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT). There are programs that do not require a standardized test for admission. Please review the Find Your Program entry for your program of interest to determine if you are required to submit a standardized test score.
I haven’t taken the GRE yet; can I still apply?
Yes, applicants are encouraged to submit their application even if they/you haven’t yet taken the graduate entrance exam (GRE/MAT). However, all required supplemental documents must be received by the required deadline before an application will be reviewed by the program director and/or selection committee for admission consideration.
Can the GRE or MAT be waived?
In some instances, standardized tests can be waived pending approval from the program. The most common instance is when applicants provide evidence of significant work experience in the field of study for which they are applying. Additional waiver scenarios may exist that are customized to the program. Please refer to the entrance requirements located on the website of your intended program of interest for more information.
How can I apply?
ECU accepts on-line applications only. Create an account to submit your application. Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome are the best browsers to use when creating an account and filling out the application. There are some known issues with Internet Explorer. After you have created an account, you can complete and submit your application, upload supplemental items and even register for events. You will receive an email after you have submitted your application with instructions on how to submit your $75 application fee. Please retain your username and password so that you can log back into the system to check the status of your application and the status of your supplemental items through your self-service portal.
What are the deadlines for submitting my application?
The Graduate School’s General Application Deadlines are listed below, and these represent the last day a paid application of any kind can be submitted for that term. This deadline is primary for non-degree applicants and applicants to programs that don’t have aggressive deadlines. Programs can have earlier application deadlines, however, so it’s always a good idea to review the information on our Find Your Program website for program specific info. Applications submitted without the application fee will not be processed.
Graduate School General Application Cut-Off Deadlines:
- Fall: August 1
- Spring: December 15
- 1st and 11-week Summer: May 1
- 2nd Summer: June 15
Why is the semester I want to apply to not showing in the start application section?
Not every program admits in every semester, so please refer to our “Find Your Program” page to determine whether your program offers admission into the term you desire. If the program advertises that they admit in the semester you’re interested in and you are having challenges locating the application, please contact the Graduate School for assistance.
I’m not interested in a degree or certificate program; can I attend as Non-Degree?
Absolutely! ECU has an abbreviated application process for those interested in attending as a “Non-Degree” student. You submit the online application, pay the application fee, and provide an official transcript that shows you’ve earned a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university, or international degree deemed equivalent by one of our pre-approved foreign transcript evaluation servicers. You can find a list of approved accreditors at DAPIP | Agency List.
What can I do if I forgot my password for my online application?
If you’ve forgotten your password or are locked out of your account, please use the “Forgot Password” feature on the application login page. If you are still having trouble, please contact our IT Analyst at 252-737-2784
How soon can I expect an admissions decision to be made?
For programs with rolling admissions, admission decisions are typically issued within 3-5 days of review by the program selection committee, but some programs take longer. Applications will be fully considered when all supplemental items have been received. Applicants will be notified through their online account when their admission decision has been made.
How do I formally accept my offer of admission?
Log into your ECU admissions self-service portal, select the “applications” tab, navigate to the decision letter and open it. If you haven’t already responded to your offer of admission, you’ll see a “Reply to Offer” button on the bottom right corner of the screen. Click on that icon, select your decision from the drop-down menu and then hit “submit.”
I have not been enrolled in the Spring and/or Fall semester; how can I be readmitted?
You will need to submit a Readmit Application. Visit the online application. You will need to create an account, if you haven’t already, to submit an application. When you start an application there is a question that asks if the application you are submitting is a New Application or Readmit Application select Readmission.
If I choose to attend, how many credits do I have to take to be a full-time student?
Graduate students are considered full-time if they are taking 9 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 5 credits to be eligible for financial aid. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about part-time status and financial aid options.
Can I study from a country outside of the United States?
Study outside the United States is prohibited with exception in some cases for active US military and their dependents. Approval is required and given on a case-by-case basis. For additional information, contact Colleen Roland in the Graduate School (
Funding, Employment, Tuition Remissions
What types of campus employment are available for graduate students?
There are three types: assistantships, self-help (hourly), and federal work-study. The eligibility requirements for each are different. You can review more on the Campus Employment page.
How many hours a week can I work?
Most graduate students are eligible to work up to 25 hours per week, except if they are on academic probation, on “admit-by-exception” status or have a visa that mandates fewer hours. Students should consult with their Graduate Program Director or the Student Employment Office to determine their hourly work eligibility.
How do I apply for a student position?
Each position is hired by the department or office advertising the position. Therefore, there are different application procedures for each type of position. Some assistantships are awarded with offers of admission. Others are advertised throughout campus. Students should first inquire with their graduate program director to determine if positions are available within their program or department. Other options for finding employment on campus are described on the Assistantships page of the Graduate School website. Follow the application instructions that are included in each job posting; application instructions will vary by posting.
Are Distance Education or Online students eligible for employment?
It is the decision of each office advertising a position whether the position allows for students who are remote or students who are taking only online classes are eligible. Students should inquire with each position to determine if that offering is open to remote or local, but online students.
What are some common opportunities outside of my department?
There are positions across campus including the libraries, university writing center, athletics student development (tutoring, study hall), the Pirate Academic Success Center (tutoring), student affairs, Eakin Student Recreation Center, and transit. Students are encouraged to review the various lists of positions on the Assistantships website.
How can I find out more about the availability of tuition remissions?
Tuition remissions are offered to students through their degree program; please speak with your Graduate Program Director to inquire about the possibility of being awarded a tuition remission.
Do I have to be full-time to get funding?
Graduate students are considered full-time if they are taking 9 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 5 credits to be eligible for financial aid. Graduate students who are offered assistantships for 20 hours per week must be enrolled in at least 9 credits to maintain the assistantship. This is true also for tuition scholarships, such as out-of-state tuition remissions or in-state tuition support. Talk with your graduate program director to determine if there are funding options for students who take fewer than 9 credits in one semester.
Current Student Information
What is my ECU (Banner) ID?
If you are a newly admitted student, you should have received an email sharing your assigned Banner ID within a few days after your decision email. If you are already enrolled, simply log into PiratePort and click on the Tools tab located at the top of the screen. Click on the “What is my ECU (Banner) ID?” link under the Banner category in the upper right corner of the screen.
My residency status is incorrect, how can I be classified as an in-state resident?
Your residency status is determined by the NC Residency Determination Services (RDS) unit within the NC systems office, who makes the decision about your residency classification. ECU has no authority to change this. If you disagree with the RDS decision, there is both a reconsideration and an appeal process you may pursue. Additional residency information may be found on the NC Residency Determination Services website.
I’ve been in NC for a year. How do I change my residency?
Residency is determined by RDS, the Residency Determination Service office within the NC state system. You may apply to have your residency reviewed by visiting their website.
How do I access the Web sites for personal information, review my bill, view my class schedule, apply for financial aid, or determine which books are needed?
Go to PiratePort and click on the Tools tab located at the top of the page. Next, click on the Banner Self Service link located on the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Click on the Main Menu link followed by a click on the Personal Information and Student Financial Aid link. Choose from one of the available options.
I have not been enrolled in the Spring and/or Fall semester; how can I be readmitted?
You will need to submit a Readmit Application. Visit the online application. You will need to create an account, if you haven’t already, to submit an application. When you start an application there is a question that ask if the application you are submitting is a New Application or Readmit Application select Readmit.
How many credits do I have to take to be a full-time student?
Graduate students are considered full-time if they are taking 9 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 5 credits to be eligible for financial aid. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about part-time status and financial aid options.
Adding, Dropping or Withdrawing from Courses
How do I add, drop, or withdraw from courses?
Graduate students are expected to register during the early registration period and make schedule changes online using the Registration and Planning Card which is accessed through PiratePort. Graduate students are expected to use published processes and abide by campus policies for adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses. All policies are in the Graduate Catalog and helpful registration information is posted on the Registrar’s website. Deadlines for the last day to add/drop courses or withdraw from courses or an entire term are published in each semester’s academic calendar. Adding, dropping, and withdrawing from courses should be done through the Registration and Planning Card in PiratePort before the deadline published in the Academic Calendar.
What do I do if there is a Hold Tag on my record?
Log onto PiratePort and click on the Banner Self Service link under the Tools tab. Click on the Student and Financial Aid link, then Student Records. You should now see the option to View Holds. This link will show you any holds that you currently have on your record. Contact the office that controls that hold to determine how to have it lifted.
Can I transfer courses into my graduate program?
The rules regarding transfer credit can be found in the Graduate Catalog. All requests for transfer credit should be communicated to your academic program and then the program will complete and submit the necessary forms to the Graduate School.
How many credits do I have to take to be a full-time student?
Graduate students are considered full-time if they are taking 9 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 5 credits to be eligible for financial aid. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about part-time status and financial aid options.
Adding a Certificate to My Degree or Changing my Degree Program
What is a certificate?
A graduate certificate consists of 9 or more credits of focused student in a specific area. ECU has over 70 graduate level certificates that students can earn either stand-alone or as an add-on to a degree. Students should discuss certificate options with their graduate program director. The complete list of certificates can be viewed on the Find Your Program page of the Graduate School website. Certificates are an excellent way to enhance your degree and provide knowledge in a specific discipline. Students can take courses for a certificate at the same time they are taking their degree courses.
How do I add a certificate?
Once a student found a certificate of interest, the student should consult with the graduate program director for that certificate to ensure it meets their academic needs. The student then completes the online Add a Certificate form which is routed to the certificate program director for approval. Once approved, the Registrar will add the course information to the student’s Degree Works audit. Students who are currently enrolled in a degree or certification program and wish to add a certificate program should consult with the new certificate program to determine eligibility requirements and if the program is accepting new students. If the student decides to add the certificate, the student completes the online Add a Certificate form. The program directors from the current and new program will review and if approved, the student’s program will be changed in the Degree Works audit. If a student wishes to remove the certificate from their degree program, they are required to email and the graduate program director to notify them and have the Degree Works audit updated.
How do I change my degree program to a different one?
Students who are enrolled in one degree program and wish to change to another degree program should consult with the new degree program to determine eligibility requirements and if the program is accepting new students. If the student decides to request a Change of Program, the student completes the online Change of Program form. The program directors from the old and new program will review and if approved, the student’s program will be changed in the Degree Works audit. Change of program admission is not guaranteed and the new program is not required to admit the student. The student should discuss with the new program which courses from the old program are eligible for transfer into the new program. The new program is not obligated to accept any of the previously taken course work. There are deadlines to change a program within a semester. Please read the Registrar’s website about Change of Program.
Getting Involved in Student Activities and Organizations
Is there a graduate student government?
The Graduate & Professional Student Senate (GPSS) is an organization within the Student Government Association. All graduate students are welcome to participate in the GPSS and Student Government Association through participation in activities, serving on councils or committees, or running for an elected office. Students can inquire about GPSS and SGA through the Engage portal. Students sign on to Engage with their Pirate ID and passphrase.
What types of student organizations are available for graduate students?
ECU has over 500 recognized student organizations registered through the Office of Student Activities and Organizations. Graduate students can search through the many opportunities in the Engage portal. Many organizations are within a discipline, but there are also many with interests outside of academic disciplines. Students are encouraged to get involved! Getting involved with other students around campus is as fulfilling as a graduate student as you may have found it as an undergraduate student!
Finding Recreational Activities
Can I use the campus rec center and join club sports?
YES! Students who pay campus-based fees can use the 2 campus recreation centers (Main Campus and Health Sciences campus) by swiping their 1 card at the door. Distance or online students who do not pay campus-based fees may join the rec centers for a fee. Campus Recreation & Wellness offers opportunities for activity – exercise classes, club sports, adventure activities, equipment rental and more! The Polar Plunge is popular each January as is use of the North Campus Rec Center lake for kayaking and paddle boarding!
Do graduate students get free tickets to sporting events?
Students can review current athletic ticket policies on the student athletic ticket website. Students receive one free ticket and guest passes can be purchased for events. Students can also join the Student Pirate Club for additional athletics benefits.
Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations
Do all master’s programs require a research thesis?
No. All master’s programs must require a culminating project, but this could take the form of a research thesis, an internship, a portfolio, or a comprehensive exam. Each graduate program determines the culminating project and its requirements. These requirements are found in the Graduate Catalog in the section for that specific degree program.
What are the formatting requirements for my master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation?
All formatting requirements with example templates are found on the Thesis and Dissertation LibGuide. Students in the initial stages of a thesis or dissertation should consult the LibGuide to ensure proper formatting from the start of the project.
What research permissions do I need to complete a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation?
All individuals conducting any type of research at ECU should determine which committee is most appropriate for reviewing the project and providing notice of exemption or review (and subsequent approval). Approval documents must be included in Appendix A of all master’s theses and doctoral dissertations. The types of reviews available to students doing research are from the University and Medical Center Institutional Research Board (UMCIRB) and the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). Students should discuss these committees with their research mentors to determine the appropriate body to review the research.
Is a final project the same as a master’s thesis?
No. Many master’s programs have a thesis option which requires enrolling in thesis credits and completion of a thesis document which conforms to the requirements set forth by the Graduate School. A project is an academic experience overseen by the graduate program and does not require submission of a document to the Graduate School, although there could be document submission requirements within the program or department. Student’s should review their department’s student handbook and contact their Graduate Program Director with questions.
Does the ECU Graduate School hold any thesis or dissertation awards competitions?
We know that outstanding work occurs across campus from graduate students in many programs. The Graduate School submits an outstanding thesis and an outstanding dissertation to the Council of Graduate School’s annual competition. The department and College are responsible for nominating projects and a committee overseen by the Graduate School makes the annual selections. Students do not self-nominate and cannot be nominated more than once. More information and a listing of past awards can be found on the Awards page.
Tuition, Fees, and other Expenses
What are tuition and fees for graduate students?
The Cashier’s Office posts the official costs of study for graduate students, both in-state residents and out-of-state residents. There are different tuition and fees for students taking courses completely online as well. The Cashier’s website is the location of the most accurate information related to tuition and fees, refunds, and deadlines for payment and schedule cancellations. Some programs also require additional tuition surcharges. Those programs are listed on the Tuition and Fees schedules posted on the Cashier’s website. Student health insurance costs are also listed on the tuition and fees schedule.
The cost of attendance may vary by program, delivery method and/or your residency status (e.g., Distance Education, On-Campus, Non-Resident/Resident, etc.).
Am I required to buy health insurance from ECU?
The state of North Carolina does require many students, including graduate students, to demonstrate enrollment in an insurance plan or to buy the available insurance for students from the university. Eligibility requirements for health insurance requirements are always posted on the Student Health Services website. Students should review the eligibility requirements to determine if they would be required to show proof of insurance or to purchase the ECU policy. The cost of the ECU policy will be reflected in the semester billing statement for students who are required to purchase it.
How many credits do I have to take to be a full-time student?
Graduate students are considered full-time if they are taking 9 credits. Graduate students must be enrolled in at least 5 credits to be eligible for financial aid. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid if you have questions about part-time status and financial aid options.
Campus Services
How can I access the Student Health Center on campus?
Graduate students who pay fees for campus-based courses are automatically billed for the Student Health Center access fee. Distance education students who wish to use the center may pay an access fee on a semester basis. Consult the Student Health Service website for complete access information.
Where can graduate students park on campus?
There are several parking options on campus including a pay-per-hour parking deck. Consult the Parking and Transportation website to learn more.
COVID-19 Vaccine information – dispelling common misconceptions (PDF)
Graduate Appeals
How do I appeal a final grade or an adverse academic action such as a dismissal from my program?
The Graduate Catalog contains the appropriate appeal policies for appealing a final course grade or an adverse academic action such as a dismissal. Students should review the Graduate Student Grade Appeals information and policy if they want to appeal the final grade received in a course. Students should pay attention to the deadlines within the policy. If a student wishes to appeal an adverse academic action such as dismissal from their program, they should review the Graduate School Appeals Procedure in the Graduate Catalog. Students who have questions about either policy can request a meeting with a Graduate School Associate Dean by emailing