Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC)

The Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC) reviews, considers, and makes recommendations to the Graduate Council on a variety of curriculum matters such as proposals for new and revised graduate courses, degree-related catalog changes and other curriculum-related matters. The Faculty Manual describes the makeup and formal charge of the GCC.

The GCC meets twice per month from September – March with additional meetings scheduled as necessary; meeting dates can be viewed below. Materials submitted for consideration are done so through the online MCC portal.

Faculty are encouraged to meet with the staff in Academic Planning and Accreditation prior to beginning curriculum proposals to ensure familiarity with policies, procedures, and Curriculog.

The annual reports and minutes from all GCC meetings are available in the MCC portal. If you have questions, please email


GCC Deadlines

Level II and III curriculum changes must be through the GCC by the February 28, 2024 approval deadline, and Level I curriculum changes must be through the GCC by March 27, 2024 approval deadline. Refer to the faculty manual for more information on the various levels of curriculum changes.

Committee meeting agendas fill up approximately two months in advance, so please plan accordingly. Completed curriculum packages will be reviewed for placement on the agenda at the Curriculum Support step and are put on GCC agendas in the order received and meeting time permitting.

Curriculum changes approved by the GCC after the above deadlines will not be reflected in the 2024-2025 catalogs.


Related Links:

Building a Curriculum Package

Level One GCC Actions and Spring Registration Guidelines

Which Form Do I Use?

MCC (formerly Curriculog) FAQ

MCC resources