Graduate Council Meeting Agenda - April 16, 2012
Mendenhall Student Center 221
3:00-5:00 pm
- Call meeting to order
- Approval of the March 19, 2012 Graduate Council Minutes (PDF)
- Approval of the March 21, 2012 Graduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
- March 21 GCC Agenda and supporting documents, including permission to establish for PhD in Economics
- Approval of the March 28, 2012 Graduate Curriculum Committee Minutes
- March 28 GCC Agenda and supporting documents, including permission to plan for Master in Community Planning
- For Approval: Revised text for changes in admissions & registration issues
- GPA calculation revisions (PDF) (note that the revised text does not stipulate a change in the minimum GPA for regular admission)
- Last day to drop a class: 45th class day for fall and spring semesters; upon completion of 64% for all summer terms
- Transcript requirements (PDF)
- Admit by exception practices (PDF)
- Admission deadlines
- For Discussion: Plus/minus grading system for graduate students
- For Discussion:
- Election of GC officers, members, and GCEC members
- Fall 2012-Spring 2012 meeting schedule of the GC and GCEC
- RFP for the allocation of graduate Assistantships for 2013-2015 (PDF)
- Announcements
- Summer GCEC meeting schedule
- Update from Orientation Working Group
- Change in summer tuition remission disbursement
- Thesis and dissertation announcements on Graduate School home page
- Update on first year graduate survey
- Adjourn