Graduate Council Meeting Agenda - April 1, 2013

Mendenhall Student Center 221
2:00 – 4:00 pm

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Approval of the 03/04/2013 GC Minutes (PDF)
  3. Approval of the 02/20/2013 GCC Minutes
  4. Approval of the 03/06/2013 GCC Minutes
  5. Approval of the 03/20/2013 GCC Minutes (DRAFT) (PDF)
  6. Request for time extension: CRM PhD student – confidential documents to be distributed by email
  7. Thesis and dissertation approvals
    • Invited Commentator : Dr. George Bailey
    • Update from the ad hoc committee on thesis and dissertation approvals: Dr. Andrew Morehead
  8. For Discussion: Plus / Minus grading
  9. Announcements
    • Trends in Graduate Admissions