Graduate Council Meeting Agenda - September 16, 2013

Mendenhall Student Center 244
2:00 – 4:00 pm

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Approval of the 08/26/2013 GC minutes (PDF)
  3. Approval of the 09/04/13 GCC minutes (PDF)
  4. Request for time extension: CRM PhD student-confidential documents to be distributed by email
  5. GCEC recommendations on planning for election of new Graduate Council Members
    • Qualifications
    • Other process matters
  6. For Discussion
  7. Report of Doctoral program director meeting 09/03/2013
  8. Report of Graduate program directors and coordinators meeting 09/05/2013
    • Plus/minus grading – request for survey of graduate faculty
  9. Report on Graduate enrollment, marketing and recruiting efforts for 2013-14
  10. Report of SACS on-site review, 18 hr rule, and in-classroom assessment of graduate teaching assistants of record
  11. Announcements