Title and Tagline Examples

The Glory of Being Alone

Breaking Down the Stigma of Solitude.

Kate Speranza and Lisa Beth Robinson, M.F.A, M.L.I.S., Department of Art & Design, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

‘Fishing’ for clues for understanding the evolution of sexual dimorphism

“Vive la difference…et similarite sexuelle!”.

Lenny Yong and Jeff McKinnon, PhD, Department of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.

Lost Civil War Cargo: Abandoned to the Sea

Civil War cargo ship Modern Greece took most of its goods with it when it sank. Why didn’t troops at Fort Fisher save more of the cargo?

Chelsea Freeland and Wade Dudley, PhD, Department of Maritime Studies, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Across the Rio: The Hidden History of Runaway Slaves who found Freedom in Mexico.

Untold histories of slavery across the U.S.-Mexico frontier tell of runaway slaves who found freedom in Mexico, after the country abolished slavery in 1829.

Maria Esther Hammack and Angela T Thompson, PhD, Department of History, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Flipping the switch

Uncovering the role of VASP phosphorylation on a smooth muscle cell migration.

Drew Holt and David Tulis, PhD, Department of Physiology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

The Risks associated with Texting While Walking

It is better to lose a minute of your time not having that text message sent, than to lose your life in one minute for having it sent while walking but not alive to see its reply.

Ogaga Tebehaevu and Hamid Fonooni, PhD, CPE, Department of Technology Systems, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC

Dances with Snails: Variation Among the Hierarchy

Variability in the environment produces individual variation in animal behavior. Implications for the evolution of labile traits.

Morgan Kain and Michael McCoy, PhD, Department of Biology, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC