Three-Minute Thesis Competition – 3MT

Monday, 4 November 2024, 1:00-4:00 PM | Main Campus Student Center Ballrooms

Three-Minute Thesis is an international competition for graduate students to present their research in 3 minutes or less using only 1 slide. The first 3MT was held at The University of Queensland in 2008 with 160 PhD students competing. Enthusiasm for the 3MT concept grew and its widespread implementation by universities has led to the development of an international competition. The global reach of the competition can be seen by the extent of participation with universities in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom and Vietnam also hosting local 3MT events. East Carolina University is proud to host the Three Minute Thesis competition and hope that you will join us for this exciting event.

Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) is just around the corner. This exciting and very helpful competition is for ANY graduate student conducting research, not just those working on a thesis as the name implies.

How is participating in the competition helpful? The structure of 3MT forces (in a good way) researchers to summarize their research and do so with non-technical language. You will use this skill later in poster presentations, when speaking with potential donors or sponsors of your research, and while participating in job interviews.

The Center for Communication Excellence partners with the Graduate School to host some outstanding sessions to prepare you for 3MT, but keep in mind they are also preparing you to present, in general, and to create a visually effective slide to accompany your presentation. Information about preparatory sessions and the link to register for 3MT will be forthcoming, but the date of the competition is listed below.

Questions? Reach out to Dr. Ron Preston ( for more information about this event.

A special thank you to all of our participants, staff, sponsors, and volunteers who help make this event possible!