Grad PIRATE Talks

ECU Graduate School

All are invited to attend a special multidisciplinary seminar series organized by ECU’s graduate student body titled Grad PIRATE Talks:  Promoting Inclusion through Research, Action, Teaching, and Education.

All talks are virtual meetings using WebEx. You can search the ECU Events Calendar or the Engage calendar for the current and future talks. Each Grad PIRATE Talk will feature a 30-40 minute presentation by one or more graduate students on a topic relevant to the mission of the series and their academic program, followed by a moderated discussion, wrapping up with brainstorming on action items for future action.

Grad PIRATE Talks Mission Statement

“We are committed to raising awareness of the diversity within our university community. Through intentional and purposeful dialogue, we hope to build a more inclusive and equitable future for Pirate Nation.”
To accomplish this mission, we will:

  • Educate the Pirate Nation on the diverse backgrounds of their peers
  • Introduce the Pirate Nation to other dimensions of diversity such as but not limited to, race, religion and gender identities.
  • Develop practices and strategies that promote inclusivity amongst all cultures
    across the university.
  • Create awareness of bias in fields of study
  • Challenge the University to acknowledge deficiencies in diversity in fields of study (ie. faculty, curriculum, etc.)
    Encourage students to engage in conversations around difficult topics and provide them with tools to be successful in a global and multicultural society

More Information

Please share this listing of all Grad PIRATE Talks with your friends, faculty, classmates, and students!

Links to recordings of this semester’s past events

Links to archive of previous semesters