Graduate Council Meeting Agenda - April 21, 2014

Mendenhall Student Center 221
2:00 – 4:00

  1. Call meeting to order
  2. Minutes approved electronically, no further action required:
  3. Recognition of outgoing council members and GCC members
  4. Closed session – if needed (Two pending requests for exceptions to the 10 year time limit – confidential materials to be distributed by email or at meeting if completed in time)
  5. Graduate Council roster and attendance (To be distributed at the meeting)
  6. Graduate Assistantship workload policy (PDF) and revised Graduate Assistantship Contract (Word)
  7. Consideration of Chemistry Graduate Faculty criteria (old version (PDF) and new version (PDF) provided)
  8. Review of 2015-16 Graduate Assistantship Reallocation process and RFP (PDF)
  9. UCFS draft report – for discussion
    • Merging of the Divisions of Research and Graduate Studies and Academic Affairs
    • Merging of graduate and undergraduate admissions operations
    • Reduction in number of master’s programs – (see spring enrollment data)
    • Reduce number of grad classes with five or fewer students by 50% over the next two years
  10. Need for engagement of the Graduate Council in long range planning – June retreat? List of items to consider?
  11. Announcements and reports
  12. Summer GCEC Actions
    • Revision to grading policy (introduce use of W, WF, WP in graduate courses) -harmonize use of “W” grades with proposal by ad hoc committee on Fostering Undergraduate Student Success (FUSSy committee) recommendation to Faculty Senate (copy forthcoming)
    • Per Andrew Morehead, should we make provisions to apply grades of “W” to S/U courses?
    • Exception to GPA requirements for graduation upon readmission to a new program
    • Graduate Fact Book project
    • Report on enrollment in Graduate Certificate programs
    • Pending summer agenda items (to-do list, no action to report, more background work needed)
  13. Adjourn