Graduate Council Meeting Agenda - February 17, 2014

Graduate Council Meeting Agenda
February 17, 2014

  1. Call to order
  2. Minutes
    1. Approval of 1/27/2014 GC Minutes (PDF)
    2. Approval of 2/5/2014 GCC Minutes (pending)
  3. Assistantship Budget Allocation project, FY 2014-15 and FY 2015-16 – For discussion and advice
  4. Revision to Official Withdrawal policy (PDF) – for approval
  5. Announcements and reports
    • Update: Thesis/dissertation oversight committee – Brett Keiper
    • Update: Faculty mentor awards – Marjorie Ringler
    • Update: Graduate school web-site and banner recruiter – Paul Gemperline
    • Update: Targeted Google ad campaigns – Paul Gemperline
    • New UNC-GA regulation 400.1.5.[R] – Fostering Undergraduate Student Success. Drop/Add Period, Course withdrawal with/without extenuating circumstances, course repeats, forgiveness policies – for information
  6. Closed Session – as needed
    • Review of 1/27/2014 GC Closed session meeting minutes
  7. Old Business